Posts in COVID-19 Preparations

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We’ve Had a Positive Diagnosis for COVID-19 on our High School Campus… Now What?

As was communicated on March 18th, a member of the ECHS staff tested positive for COVID-19. We want to keep you up to date with the EC administration’s response to this situation. The staff member is following the protocol of health officials and self isolating. The staff member is in good spirits and feeling well.…

Here’s What You Said: EC Remote Learning Week 1 Parent Feedback

Thanks so much for your willingness to provide us with timely and helpful feedback in the survey that we distributed yesterday. Families of over 300 students provided us with words of encouragement and suggestions for improvement. We heard appreciation for . . . Teachers “The teacher did such a great job leading morning meetings with…

Educational Leadership Thanks the EC Community

At the end of an unprecedented week in the history of Eastern Christian School, Educational Administrators give thanks to teachers, students, parents, and community members for an amazing first week of EC Remote Learning.

EC Remote Learning Portal

We're excited to share the EC Remote Learning Online Parent Hub. The goal of this site is to have one spot for all of the general communications around our Remote Learning program. We have general school messaging, campus-specific and grade-level specific information available. EC parents, we welcome your input into this site. Please take the…

Our First Day of Remote Learning Was a Huge Success!

After 127 years of daily classroom instruction, the launch of remote learning went incredibly well! The preparations of the teachers and administrators over the past few weeks was evident in how smoothly the complex undertaking was launched. As is to be expected in any first day of a new program, there were a few minor…

Eastern Christian School COVID-19 Update

3.18.2020 7:00 PM EDT Dear Eastern Christian School Community, A staff member who works on the Eastern Christian High School campus in North Haledon, NJ has tested positive for coronavirus disease, COVID-19, and is currently self-isolating. Eastern Christian School continues to work closely with public health officials, who will communicate directly with people who may…

Talking With Your Kids About COVID-19

Most of us have undoubtedly been talking to our children about COVID-19, or the coronavirus, for at least two weeks now. It has been in the news since January or February, first reporting from overseas and now, of course, from our own backyard. Our faithful school nurses have been reteaching and reinforcing proper and thorough…

Remote Learning at EC: An Interview

In this video interview, Ruth Kuder, Chief Educational Officer at Eastern Christian School, talks about what remote learning will look like at EC.   

Video: An Update from Head of School Tom Dykhouse

A video update from Head of School Tom Dykhouse as we prepare for next week. EC Parents, please email all questions regarding EC's Remote Learning Plan to

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